Jas. W. Glover, Ltd. |
Project Name |
Kalanianaole Highway Improvements, Phase 1 |
Olomana Golf Course to Vicinity
of Poalima Street
District of Koolaupoko, Island of Oahu |
HDOT Project Number |
Federal-aid Project No. NH-072-1(53) |
Project Scope of Work |
The project includes roadway
widening to provide a two-way left-turn lane and left turn pockets. Other improvements include pavement
reconstruction and overlay, paved and grassed shoulders, driveway
reconstruction, concrete sidewalks, concrete curb and gutters, guardrails,
retaining walls, electrical relocations, safety and drainage improvements and
other related work. |
24 Hour
(808) 447-8394 |
Site Map
Overall Project Schedule |
Work Progress with Sketches |
Scheduled Road/Lane Closures |